Koichi is my husband and one of my biggest supporters. I was very lucky to meet him 16 years ago when I was sent to Iwaki as an English teacher and he just happened to be in the class I was teaching. Fast forward 16 years, 1 international move, another move back to Japan, 1 dog and 2 kids later, here we are. People often ask me: “How is it that your husband is so supportive of you?”. I have to admit, I wonder that myself so it was very interesting to sit down and hash that out with him. Thank you to all the listeners who sent in their questions. I’ve never had such a response to an episode before. I hope you will not be disappointed! Want to get that list of values we have which helps us run our lives together? Download our family manifesto here: www.jaynenakatatraining.com/p/episode21 Thanks to IG friends: @thetokyochaper @mariannesiegmann @sawadalindsey @bikudesigns @alliko @chocolatine_tokyo Facebook friends: Gabriella and Heide