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Kyoto Entrepreneurial Women Retreat 2017


I deliberately kept #kyotoretreat2017 small and exclusive as I wanted it to be intimate and powerful for the participants. We had four women with four different businesses from different parts of Japan stay together for two nights. I never imagined just how much fun and how much we all benefited from this experience.

We started our weekend with a get to know each other dinner. This helped to really break the ice before heading into our masterminding session the next morning. For all of us it was the first time to meet at least one member of our party, but you would never have guessed this as we all got along well instantly, which I credit to a) careful selection of the members and b) our group conversations in the lead up to retreat which helped everyone to get to know each other.

The mastermind session was very powerful. We all came to the retreat with different problems in our businesses and different mindset challenges. Talking together and getting opinions from different view points was not only refreshing but having three fresh pairs of eyes on your business is very interesting indeed.

We all came away from the session with action items as well as ideas for new products and services that we had never considered before.

Here we are, the fantastic participants!

Amanda from Jima Space Design

It was not all work either. I planned the retreat with plenty of time for relaxation and fun. So at the end of the weekend we may have been physically tired from all the fun we had but mentally we were charged up and rearing to get back home and start putting into place some of the things we had committed to during the mastermind.

So what's next?

Find out about the retreats you can sign up for now on my Retreats Page

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